Birthing and Placenta Encapsulation


Shieva Ghofrany: [00:00:00] All right everybody. So it is Saturday lost track. This week has been long. Um, many beautiful babies and mamas really all types of babies coming out of all types of places and all types of stories. And you know, the common theme, women are fucking amazing and strong. And I'm gonna say this. Women and their partners. 

Partners have been good this week. And their providers, I don't like the word providers, so I'm just gonna say doctors cuz in this case I'm their doctor. When women and their doctors work together with their staff, like all of our nurses and residents, um, we get good outcomes. Like even if. It's vaginal or C-section. 

It doesn't matter. Even when there are emergencies, even when there are outcomes that we did not anticipate or expect because we thought it was gonna be one way and it turned out to be somewhere else, I think all of our patients this week will say, I hope they'd say, [00:01:00] I think they would. Ladies, if you're listening, I think you'd agree. 

My hair looks beyond crazy cuz like I haven't gotten to do anything with it in two or three days at the hospital. Um, I think they would all say, That they felt, again, validated and listened to and as if they were in a collaborative relationship with their doctors, Dr. Me for now. And I think that's important. 

And I felt like I was validated and in a collaborative relationship with my patients, which by the way is equally important because this is what I do, right? I'm here to take care of my patients, but I'm also here because this is my career, so I deserve it. So that's one. I wanted to talk quickly about Jen Gunther, who is just, let me, thank God. 

She addresses all these things. There's a discussion about placental encapsulation, which people ask me about, and I have given my thoughts as I do about everything and what I've said to patients several times about this is, I'm all for the things that are rooted in [00:02:00] nature, meaning I've said also this about nature. 

Like we don't, we don't set the table for nature, and yet we expect nature to show up at our party. We need to take cues from nature. We need to be respectful of nature, but we also need to all, every single one of you watching this needs to acknowledge. We go against nature every day, right? We do. We live past 50. 

That means we're going against nature. We try to live past 50 anyway, so in doing that, let's be respectful. Let's say there was a precedent in nature. This is what I've always said about eating your placenta. Then I'd say, okay, well there's a precedent. Let's explore it. Maybe we should figure out how to do it and do it safely and do it, you know, in a way that would make sense. 

There is no precedent people, there's never been a precedent for humans eating their placenta. That's what I've always said, given that there's no precedent, why do we do it in the alternative holistic world as if it's a natural alternative to. , the things that maybe the medical field can offer you for postpartum mood changes or postpartum depression. 

Again, if it's natural, I would [00:03:00] understand it, but it's not natural. But you're touting it as something natural and it's not. Now, if you just instead wanna say there's no precedent in nature and it's not at all natural, but we actually just think it might work, well that's okay cuz that's what we do as doctors. 

But then be a. And then study it. Do a head-to-head study. You people who actually sell the placental encapsulation and show up at the houses and boil and then do the desiccation, which means you're drying it, doing all these things that probably void all the nutrition. No, all the nutritional value by the way. 

But then do the study. Do head to head study. It's not hard. It's not hard, right? You could do it. You could take a hundred women in each arm. A hundred of you've taken a hundred women. Don't. Now let's figure out, it would be hard cuz everyone's placenta's. Hence the reason, probably not rooted in nature. 

We've never eaten our placentas. Anyway, say this because Jen Gunter had a great article, far more eloquently than I talking about it, so please, please, please, please, please go ahead, see what she has to say. It was [00:04:00] good. Okay. So many things to think about in our world, but women, you are strong. People. You are amazing. 

I love what we do. Okay.