online pregnancy, childbirth & female health classes
let's woman together.

Course / Pregnancy
Pregnancy Course Bundle
All Three Trimesters & Childbirth
- Self-paced video course
- 200+ page eBook & Baby Registry List
- Access to an on-the-go course app
...and more!
$250 $150

Course / Pregnancy
Preconception to week 12
- What happens at your first doctors visits
- Causes of spotting & what to do
- Live Q&A recordings
...and more!
$99 $59

Course / Pregnancy
Week 13 to week 28
- Nutrition, weight gain & blood sugar control
- Exercise while pregnant & diastasis recti
- Live Q&A recordings
...and more!
$99 $59

Course / Pregnancy
Trimester & Childbirth
Week 29 to week 40
- Labor, birth & postpartum
- Mindset, doulas & birth plans
- Live Q&A recordings
...and more!
$99 $59

Understanding Perimenopause Class
- a 1-hour webinar taught by Dr. Shieva Ghofrany, OB/GYN
The Essentials

My OB & ME Pregnancy Guide
200+ pages of info that help you from the MINUTE the pee hits the stick. Questions like:
- What if I have bleeding?
- Issues during an ultrasound? Anemia? Preeclampsia? Diabetes?
These all feel scary unless you know about them preemptively.
...and more!
*Included when you buy the FULL CLASS BUNDLE

Baby Things Registry List
Curated by over two dozen mamas, this list includes everything you need to care for YOU and your BABY — creating your registry will now be MUCH easier!
You're welcome!
My OB & Me Postpartum Membership
The tools you need to help support you throughout your post partum journey!

Why is this membership so unique and valuable?
Our mission started by creating our pregnancy program and membership. But as things go, women eventually started "graduating" from the pregnancy portion of things and began asking us for more! And just like that, we listened.
We are so excited to have you join us!
Get all the detailsThe fertility journey is hard enough as it is.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to just cruise through this process with a little more confidence? In less than an hour you will learn how to make the next several months of your life a little easier!

Shot School:
Fertility Tips & Tricks
Hormone shot video tutorial and other fertility "stuff"
- Hormone patches
- Subcutaneous injection
- Medication spreadsheet calendar
...and more!
Know someone who would love this?
There's no better gift than the gift of peace of mind during pregnancy.
Yes, I want to give the gift the knowledge!