Skipping your period is ok!


Shieva Ghofrany: [00:00:00] Okay, this is gonna be today's fast fact. Can you skip your period safely if you're on the pill or have the hormone i u d? And the answer is hell yes. Let's go through a quick physiology lesson. Okay, so this is hormones and physiology. Let's pretend I'm the uterus and these are my tubes with the little fingers at the end.

The fingers we call fimbria every. When you ovulate, which means the egg pops out of your ovaries. So your ovary is hanging here. It's not exactly really attached. It's not attached at all to your tube. It's attached a little bit to your ovary, I mean to your uterus. The ovaries attached to the uterus by the utero, ovarian ligament.

The tube is attached to the uterus and it's dangling. An egg pops out of your ovary. The fibria will sometimes grab the egg. Not every month. That's an important point cuz what happens some months egg pops. Fibria doesn't grab it. And the egg, which is like the size of a pencil tip. [00:01:00] Pencil tip, this is a broken pencil, pencil tip.

The egg just gets somewhere into your abdomen, pelvis just disintegrates. It goes away. Okay? So sometimes the egg disintegrates. The other times that fibria grabs the egg, it goes into the tube. Now, some month that egg goes into the tube and then it just goes into the uterine lining, and then it's just flushed.

some months sperm comes up, meets the egg in the tube, the egg and the sperm create the embryo, right? That is what happens when the, the sperm actually inseminate the egg, right? It gets into the egg, fertilizes the egg, I mean, and becomes the embryo. Then the embryo travels back into the tube, into the uterus and implants into the uterine lining, and then the uterine lining doesn't.

The uterine lining being your period doesn't shed because the H CG hormone starts secreting and your body realizes it's pregnant and it doesn't [00:02:00] shed the uterine lining, cuz the uterine lining is that thick, lush place where the embryo grows and creates a baby. Now, let's say that process didn't happen.

The sperm shoots up and it doesn't meet the egg, or it meets the egg. It creates a little embryo, but the embryo doesn't implant, or there is no egg because you didn't ovulate or some other reason happens, right? that happens a lot of months. Then there's no embryo to implant into the lining. There's no hormonal regulation where all of a sudden H CG hormone is saying to your body, Nope, done pregnant.

Don't shed that lining. So your brain and body realize that they are no longer needing that lining to stay inside, and that uterine lining sheds itself out. That uterine lining being your. . Okay, so why does it have to happen in nature? Because the egg didn't create a pregnancy and the lining sheds itself out.

That's what the period is. Now, let's say you stopped ovulation because you are taking the pill. [00:03:00] That is how the pill stopped you from getting pregnant. The primary mechanism suppressing ovulation by evening out your hormones. Remember I said if you're not obvi, if you're not pregnant, then the lining sheds itself out.

You don't need it. But if you. Suppressing ovulation, keeping your lining even because the hormones are thinning everything out, you no longer are ovulating, so you no longer need the lining to be thick because it's no longer awaiting the potential for ovulation, the potential for a pregnancy. So the hormones being even suppress ovulation thin out the lining, which means the lining doesn't need to shed itself out.

The only reason we shed our lining once a month on traditional pills is because traditional men, 50 plus years ago, said, I think women wanna mimic nature. Let's mimic nature by creating a pill that is 21 days on seven days off. And that seven days off is gonna help their lining withdraw itself. It'll mimic nature cuz that's what women want, right?

I'm pretty sure, as we all joke, that had they asked us at the time like, Hey ladies, [00:04:00] we could either mimic nature and even though you're not ovulating anymore and no longer need to shed your lining, you wanna mimic it cuz you enjoy bleeding via your vagina every month. Or how about. We're suppressing your ovulation, which means you do not need to shed the lining cuz the lining is also being kept so thin, safely.

We could actually just stop your period because we're already going against nature by stopping ovulation. So let's just further go against nature and not shed your lining and that's actually okay. . Is it unnatural? Yes. Are we okay going against nature? Sometimes? Yes. Is it foolproof? Always amazing. Is there no harm in it?

Is there never any side effect? No. Let's be honest. Of course, there is some risks, like everything we do, birth control, like anything else, does not come without risks. Okay. I'm gonna say that because of course there's gonna be antibi control. People are gonna say, well, what about this and that? Yes, there are risks, just like everything we do.

There's risks to everything we do, but there's also benefits. So each individual has to make their decision, but it is safe to. . That's why I want you to [00:05:00] understand it. Okay, that was, that was as quick as I can make this chat. Bye.